Length of CAT-5e (10m should be fine, but if you've got longer bring it)
Gov. issued photo ID (if you are renting any equipment)
IBAN/SWIFT/BIC banking details (so you can get paid all your winnings at event)
Check with your bank about exchange rates on cash vs card - you can pay for most things with a card in
DK, however busses require cash, unless you have the DOT app.
Passport (if needed) for travel
Proof of age (if you wish to drink)
Username/password for Steam
Device with your Steam 2FA (2 Factor Authentication)
TF2 config files on USB (assuming you're not bringing your own PC/laptop).
(At least) 3 changes of clothes + soap / shower gel / toothpaste and brush / deodorant (c'mon people
have some dignity)
A towel - about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have
Phone charger/usb cable
Ear plugs (assuming you're sleeping in a shared space)